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How To Use The App That Will Make Your Photos Look 1,000 Times Better

Taylor Lorenz   

How To Use The App That Will Make Your Photos Look 1,000 Times Better
Tech1 min read

VSCO image by username iejatebabom, edited with VSCO Cam

Everyone wants their Facebook photos and Instagram pics to shine, but most social networking platforms' photo editing tools fall short.

Even Instagram's pre-set filters are beginning to feel passé. A regular grammer can spot Valencia a mile away, and Instagram itself seems to be realizing that "the cool teens don't use Instagram filters anymore." The company introduced five new filters in December 2014.

What teens do use is VSCO Cam. VSCO is an art and technology company based in Oakland, Calif. Their photo editing app, VSCO Cam, allows users to transform bland photos into gallery-worthy artistic images. It's Instagram on steroids.

But navigating VSCO Cam's wider set of editing tools can prove challenging for first time users.

The app's interface has almost no text. The idea is to give the app a global feel, so people can easily use it regardless of their native language, but some of the pictograms are confusing.


