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How to subscribe to a podcast on your iPhone or iPad
How to subscribe to a podcast on your iPhone or iPad
Anna MazarakisJul 25, 2018, 01:34 IST
Apple; Shayanne Gal/Business Insider
There are more than 550,000 podcasts on Apple Podcasts. In the United States alone, about 44% of people have listened to at least one podcast - that's nearly 150 million people. And the average listener listens to seven podcasts a week.
But how do these listeners find, download, and subscribe to these podcasts? We'll take you on a journey to the land of Apple Podcasts to answer that question.
On our journey, we'll show you how you can subscribe to Business Insider's new podcast: Household Name.
Household Name tells the surprising stories behind the biggest household name brands. Host Dan Bobkoff brings us tales of tragedy, love, strange histories, unintended consequences, and accidental success. And in each episode, we find out how these brands changed our lives - for better or worse.
You won't want to miss an episode, so follow these easy steps to learn how to listen.
The Apple Podcasts app is automatically downloaded on iPhones and iPads. If you've never seen it before, it's probably in your Utilities folder.
Step 2: Go to the Search tab, and type in what you're looking for. In this case, Household Name.
There are more than half a million podcasts, so it's easiest to search for the title of the podcast if you know what you're looking for. Click the "Search" tab at the bottom right of the app, type in the name of the podcast ("Household Name"), then click search.
Step 3: Subscribe to the show.
Once you're on the Household Name show page, click subscribe! Subscribing to the show means future episodes will be automatically downloaded to your podcast app. Subscribing to the show is *free* and this is the best way to ensure you don't miss an episode. You can always unsubscribe later.
Step 4: Download previous episodes.
Depending on when you're reading this post, there might be a backlog of old episodes that you've missed. Go ahead and download them by clicking the plus sign, then clicking the cloud download icon.
Step 5: Leave a review.
While you're on the show page, leave a review! Giving a 5-star review really helps others find the show because it affects the show's ranking. You can also write a review telling us what you like about the show.
Step 6: Listen to the show.
Now that you've downloaded episodes, you're ready to listen. Click the "Listen Now" tab at the bottom left of the app. This is where all of the shows you've downloaded will appear. Go ahead and click on the show and you can start listening right away.
Step 7: Go to the Browse tab.
To find more podcasts, head over to the "Browse" tab. You can search by category, and see what's popular in the charts.