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How to get a shy person to open up to you in 5 minutes or less

Mar 30, 2016, 22:24 IST

Flickr/Arturo Donate
Flickr/Arturo DonateTaking the time to approach a shy person and help them break out of their shell can be incredibly rewarding for both parties.

If you notice someone standing alone at a networking event, they might need you to start the conversation.


John Stoker, president of DialogueWORKS and author of "Overcoming Fake Talk," says that 40% or more of the population would classify as "shy," meaning they may be comfortable sitting in a conference session, but they're not comfortable talking to you first at a social event.

Why? Because they're afraid of rejection, he explains - and they will do anything to keep from being singled out.

So how do you approach a shy person (who you don't know) and put them at ease? Follow the six steps below:

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