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How to check Pf (Provident Fund) balance in India

Jan 10, 2022, 23:02 IST
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). (File Photo: IANS)Release Date & Time: 2018-02-27 13:35 IANS
What is Provident fund?

PF or Provident Fund or as it is commonly known as, Employee Provident fund(EPF) is a government backed savings scheme which allows a salaried employee to invest a certain amount every month on which a fixed amount of interest is paid by the government. It is a retirement savings scheme and is amninistered by a statutory body, EPFO, Employee Provident Fund Organisation under the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

You can check your PF balance in four different ways.

1. Check PF balance through EPFO Portal

To check your PF balance, the employer must have activated your Universal Account Number (UAN). This number is allotted by the EPF organization. Irrespective of the companies you change, this number will remain the same throughout your life.


Step 1: Log on to the EPFO portal.

Go to ‘Our Services’ and choose ‘for Employees’. Choose the option ‘Member Passbook’ under ‘Services’.

Step 3: In the Login page, enter your UAN Number and Password after activating them.

Now you can access your EPF account.

2. Check PF balance via SMS

If you have linked your UAN number with your KYC details like Aadhaar number or PAN number, you can access your PF balance via SMS.

If this is done, you can send SMS message “EPFOHO UAN ENG” to the number 7738299899. This will send the details in English. Alternative SMS codes are available if you wish to know your PF balance in other languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Bengali.


Check PF balance via Missed call

If you have linked your Aadhaar card or PAN number with your PF account, you can use this method to know your PF balance.

Give a missed call to 011-22901406 from your registered mobile number and you will instantly get a message stating your PF balance.


Check PF balance using EPFO app

Download the “m-sewa app of EPFO” from Google Play Store.

Open the app and click on ‘Member’ and go to ‘Balance/Passbook’.

The page will ask for your UAN number and registered mobile number. If the details you give match with their records, your PF balance will be displayed.

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