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How To Block Spoilers For 'House Of Cards' On Facebook And Twitter
How To Block Spoilers For 'House Of Cards' On Facebook And Twitter
Ryan BusheyFeb 14, 2014, 22:37 IST
Netflix released the entire second season of "House of Cards" today. The upcoming three-day weekend gives viewers the best opportunity to stream all 13 episodes of Kevin Spacey's vile congressman's continued rise to power.
However, there is one downside to Netflix's binge-watching model. Facebook and Twitter could be rife with spoilers ruining an entire season before eager streamers can sit down and watch the show.
Fortunately, an app called Spoiler Shield helps you block this harmful information that could ruin your weekend.
Here's how you use it.
Download the app and sync it with your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Here's the main menu. Click "Set Shields."
Click on Television. You can also use this app to block spoilers of sports events.
Scroll down until you see "House of Cards." Swipe to the right.
Now, go back to Shields and then swipe over to the right. Tap on Twitter.
This is what a blocked "House of Cards" spoiler will look like. Spoiler Shield lets you surf Twitter and Facebook without having to worry about "House of Cards" getting ruined.