If you want to be successful at something, you have to invest in yourself. Whether you want to become a bartender, learn a language, be a coder or a gardener, unless and until you make efforts to do it, you cannot excel in it. If you want to follow your passion and emerge a winner, you have to take out time and work towards your shortcomings. No one is perfect but you can always strive towards it.
Tasha Eurich, in one of the local TEDx event, said no one is born with awesomeness or leadership qualities. To excel and do great in whatever you chose, you have to work towards it and improve yourself.
If you want to become a great leader or a good boss, you can take the entire team with you and act like a team leader. You can’t just be bossing around, throwing things at people and discouraging them when they are wrong. You have to be polite, yet assertive so that people listen to you and don’t say bad things behind your back.
If you are passionate about something, work on it. Here are three things that will help you in becoming awesome in anything you do.