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How this man made traveling the world and drinking whisky into a career

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How this man made traveling the world and drinking whisky into a career

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David Blackmore, Global Master Brand Ambassador for Glenmorangie.

For David Blackmore, work means traveling the world and sampling fine whisky.

As the Global Master Brand Ambassador for Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch Whisky, his job description includes sharing Glenmorangie with someone, nearly every working day.

Blackmore also answers questions from newcomers and experts alike - and sometimes, the questions get very detailed.

"I was just up in Boston for a few days," he says, "and the questions were amazing. I even had one on the 'flavor additive chemical compound retracted from the oak barrels during maturation!'"

Blackmore laughs but knows that in any consumer group there will also be someone who has barely tasted single malt scotch whisky before. "I look forward to meeting these people. They often have the best palettes because their minds are open."

So how did Blackmore get the job? By exhibiting the same level of passion and care as goes into making Glenmorangie, itself. He campaigned for the position of Brand Ambassador and was persistent about it. "I called or emailed every week - for a year," Blackmore says, laughing. At one point, he even volunteered at the distillery.

The effort paid off: Blackmore got the position and in 2014, he was named Brand Ambassador Of The Year by The International Whisky Competition.

Blackmore took a few moments from his travels to speak with us about what it's really like to be a global brand ambassador for Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

You've said that single malt was an acquired taste for you.

We all have had foods we didn't like while growing up. Then we one day we had a eureka moment and those foods became our favorites. It's about keeping an open mind.

In general, what's the one thing people should know about single malt scotch whisky?

Single malt scotch whiskies vary greatly in taste and smoothness. For example, they're not all smoky. As the Global Master Brand Ambassador for Glenmorangie, I can tell you that Glenmorangie has a rich flavor profile that's both fruity and floral. Learning about single malt scotch whisky is an adventure. Why not enjoy it?

What sets Glenmorangie apart from the other single malts?

We have elegant whiskies with different flavor profiles - and that's the result of our elaboration process. For example, we use the tallest stills in Scotland - the same height as a fully grown adult giraffe! That means that only the very lightest and purest vapors make it to the top. We are also the only single malt distillers to have contracts with foresters in the Ozarks for our oak barrels, which provide about 60 - 70% of the flavor, so that's important. And unlike most whisky brands, we only use them twice.

What else does Glenmorangie do that's different from the others?

We pioneered the whole process of finishing, also called extra-maturation. That's when you take aged whisky, which has been matured for 10 years in American oak casks, and then transfer it for a shorter time in another cask that once contained some sort of wine or fortified wine. That way, you get just enough of the influence of the second barrel to create different flavors that don't overwhelm Glenmorangie's house style. You can find this large variety of flavors in our Extra Matured Range, The Lasanta, The Quinta Ruban, and The Nectar d'Or. That's one reason why we're so highly rated.

Do you personally prefer Glenmorangie on the rocks or neat?

I have it both ways, depending upon the mood. Glenmorangie Original has a lot of fruity, floral notes from the distillation process and vanilla and coconut notes from the American white oak barrels we age it in. If you have a glass of room temperature Glenmorangie in front of you, you'll amplify those fruity, floral notes with a dash of water. People will tell you that it's wrong to add ice. It isn't. Add ice, and the vanilla will come out front. At room temperature, you'll get a more complex whisky, though.

Are there any different cocktails you would recommend right now? What are you drinking at the moment?

I'm really enjoying the new formulation of The Lasanta that has these lovely milk chocolate and raisiny notes. And you can use it as a substitute in classic cocktails. For example, a Manhattan should be made with rye, but I love a "Barely Classic" Manhattan with two ounces of Glenmorangie Lasanta spicing and sweetening with one ounce of Carpano Antica vermouth, and a couple of dashes of bitters. It's not reinventing the wheel but it's a great cocktail - and sort of wintry as well. If we move away from the cocktails, something like Glenmorangie Signet with its dark chocolate and espresso notes is great. I mean, how could you go wrong this time of year with spicy chocolate and coffee notes?

Do you take feedback from consumers?

Certainly. I give feedback to the guys in Scotland. For example, we saw how well received the Glenmorangie Sonnalta PX (extra matured in Pedro Ximenez casks) was a few years ago and we wanted to introduce some of that element to our permanent range, so we reformulated The Lasanta to contain as much PX extra matured Glenmorangie as was practical.

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