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How The iWatch Could Kill The Password

Megan Rose Dickey   

How The iWatch Could Kill The Password
Tech1 min read

grim reaperImagine a day when you don't need to constantly retype passwords.

If Apple develops an iWatch, we may never have to type in a password again, according to Bruce Tognazzini, a former Apple employee who specializes in human-computer interaction.

"The watch can and should, for most of us, eliminate passcodes altogether on iPhones, and Macs and, if Apple’s smart, PCs: As long as my watch is in range, let me in!"

Obviously, some security concerns come to mind.

In order to make it totally secure, Tognazzini writes, Apple would first need to implement a security feature where if you remove the watch, you would need to somehow reestablish authenticity when you put it back on.

Another extra security precaution could be something like two-factor authentication. For example, people with the iWatch who want further security could require both the presence of the watch and a passcode.


