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How Social Media Is Being Used To Amplify TV Advertising

Josh Luger   

How Social Media Is Being Used To Amplify TV Advertising
Tech3 min read


BI Intelligence

Research has shown that TV-watching and social media usage isn't mutually exclusive. Consumers appear to love using social media while they watch TV. Many discuss what they're watching, and these conversations continue long after air-time, with TV-linked chatter accounting for a significant percentage of overall social media activity.

TV industry players and TV-focused marketers realized they could piggyback on this new consumer habit. The idea was not to compete with social media, but to use it so that televised shows, events, and ad campaigns won more audience and audience participation.

Social TV is how these ideas are being made tangible.

In a new report from BI Intelligence, we define what social TV is, analyze the most important social TV trends, examine the audience for social TV, detail how social TV is forcing broadcasters and advertisers to rethink their strategies, and look at how data vendors are slicing and dicing all that TV-linked social chatter.

Access The Full Report And Data By Signing Up For A Free Trial Today >>

Here's an overview of the rise of social TV:

In full, the report:

To access BI Intelligence's full reports on The Rise Of Social TV, sign up for a free trial subscription here.


