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'How I Met Your Mother' Will Do An Entire Episode In Rhyme

Nov 5, 2013, 22:56 IST

Richard Foreman / CBS

"How I Met Your Mother" has officially run out of things to do.

Actress Cobie Smulders told E! Online the CBS comedy will air an entire episode in rhyme. "We just shot an episode where the entire thing is in rhyme. And it was so much fun," Smulders told E! Online. "It's like every second line is a rhyme. It varies; you gotta watch it!"

So if you thought having the entire ninth season of HIMYM take place over the course of one weekend was absurd - we've been waiting eight episodes for Marshall to get through a laborious road trip with actress Sherri Shepherd - prepare to tackle through a Dr. Seuss-like episode that may get pretty awkward.

Despite the long road to finally see just how main character Ted Mosby meets the mother, the ratings for season 9 have been solid averaging 8-9 million viewers on Monday nights.


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