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HOUSE OF THE DAY: Insane $50 Million Tribeca Penthouse Finally Sells After 2 Years On The Market

Aug 2, 2013, 03:49 IST

Prudential Douglas Elliman Real EstateA crazy, six-story loft in TriBeCa that was originally listed for $45 million and later had its price increased to $49.5 million has finally sold, according to The New York Observer.


There's no word on the buyer or final sale price on the apartment at 144 Duane Street, which had been on the market since 2011.

The loft made waves last year when The New York Post reported it had piqued the interest of a wealthy Facebook insider following the company's IPO.

The 30,000 square-foot loft has eight bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, an elevator, a private gym, and half basketball court. The home is six stories, two underground.


Outside there's a private terrace.

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