Artificial Christmas Trees
The increasingly popular artificial Christmas tree, with needles made of PVC and branches and frames made of steel, are also going to cost you more this year.
While the cost of PVC is unchanged since last year, steel prices are on the rise by 39% since January and 35% year-on-year.
Whether you go for mashed or roast, your potatoes will be pricier this December due to extreme weather conditions – and the status of the UK market – resulting in a shortage of potato supplies in the EU.
While not listed in the Christmas Dinner Index, Mintec's Brexit report showed that since the referendum, the price of beef, measured by GBP per per tonne, has risen by 33%.
The Brexit report also showed that the cost of butter has risen by 58% in the same time frame.
Much of your cooking this month is likely to call for onions, but like potatoes, poor weather conditions and the economic climate have resulted in less supply, which could mean rising costs.
If you tend to opt for chicken over turkey, Mintec's Brexit report showed that since the referendum, the cost of chicken has risen by 12%.
If pork is more your style, get ready to splash out – the prices of pork were up by 14% compared to last year as of October, with 50% of pork in the UK imported, according to Mintec. Since the referendum, the price of pork has risen by 18%.
Finally, choose wisely when you're prepping your desserts this Christmas – Mintec's Brexit report showed that since the referendum, the cost of sugar has risen by 37%.