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Hillary isn't the only 2016 contender being targeted by the 'Clinton Cash' author

Hunter Walker   

Hillary isn't the only 2016 contender being targeted by the 'Clinton Cash' author

Jeb Bush


The author of a new book that detailed a series of damning questions about Democrat Hillary Clinton's finances has his sights set on another top potential 2016 contender: former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

Former conservative think tank fellow Peter Schweizer, whose book "Clinton Cash" is due out next month, told Bloomberg he is planning a "similar" look at Bush

"What we're doing is a drill-down investigation of Jeb's finances similar to what we did with the Clintons in terms of looking at financial dealings, cronyism, who he's been involved with," Schweizer said. "We've found some interesting things."

"Clinton Cash" is set to be released on May 5, however, Schweizer made deals with individual media outlets that allowed them to preview his work. Several stories detailing research from the book were published on Wednesday and Thursday, including questions about a deal to sell a US uranium mine to Russia that was approved by Clinton's State Department as a businessman who profited from the sale made donations to her family's foundation.

The book amplified questions about foreign donations to the foundation and speaking fees that were accepted by Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, that have been swirling in recent months. Prior to the publication of the stories based on the book, Clinton's presidential campaign team and allied liberal groups launched a counteroffensive.

Clinton's camp attacked the book as a poorly-executed partisan smear while pointing to Schweizer's conservative connections. Schweizer has contributed to the right-wing news site Breitbart News and served as a fellow at the conservative Hoover Institute. However, an earlier book he published in 2013 included shots at Republican House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Schweizer's upcoming work on Bush could help deflect those accusations his work on Clinton is biased. He told Bloomberg that he has been investigating Bush with a team of researchers for about four months. Schweizer said their work has involved scrutinizing several aspects of Bush's finances including private equity funds and land deals he was involved in.


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