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Here's Where You Can Buy A Cheap iPad or iPhone Before Christmas

Dec 20, 2013, 23:31 IST

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you're looking for a new iPhone or iPad before Christmas, numerous stores have posted deals dropping the price. We found these deals on MacRumors.


Here's the breakdown:

Walmart still has incredible deal for the iPhone 5C. You can get it for just $27 on a two-year contract.

Here are some more deals on Apple gadgets from Walmart. These sales will last through December 24 and are only found in store.

  • iPhone 5s: $119
  • iPhone 5c: $27
  • iPad Mini: $239 with a $50 Walmart gift-card

Target's sales were eligible for purchases in store and online.


  • iPhone 5s: $150 in store
  • iPhone 5c: $50 with $50 Target gift card in store
  • iPad Mini: $299 with $30 gift card in store and online.

Most of the deals above are only for 16 GB iPhones, but Best Buy has great savings for Macs.

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