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Here's where marketers are spending their money

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Here's where marketers are spending their money

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For more than a decade, marketers have relied on location targeting to reach audiences online. Geo-targeted display ads, emails, and keywords all helped advertisers zero in on key consumers and deliver the right message at the right time.

But somewhere along the way, consumers changed. They replaced their cell phones with smartphones, and traded in desktop for the mobile web. Then GPS went mainstream, and a new marketing strategy was born.

Location-based advertising is on the rise again in its newest form: mobile. It's where brands are spending their marketing budgets, and is the go-to technology for connecting with contemporary customers. To understand the current state of this market and gauge its potential, location-based mobile ad company xAd conducted a survey of more than 570 advertising agency representatives and marketing decision makers on the brand side. The results were compiled in the recently released xAd Global Location Snapshot, a global look at how the marketing and advertising industries are using location in their efforts.

The survey found that one in 5 brands and one in 4 agencies consider mobile advertising a top priority. Almost 80 percent of marketers overall now use location targeting in their mobile campaigns. But they aren't just hoping to reach consumers when they're in close proximity to a store. While 43% of agencies and 37% of marketing decision makers leverage location to target around a business or point of interest, 50% of agencies and 46% of marketers are using location to target a specific audience.

This is where the added value of location-based mobile advertising comes in. Where the geo-targeting of old was largely limited to locale, its successor has the potential to uncover more, including consumers' interests, behavior, and intent. For example, in a campaign xAd did for TruMoo, geo-fencing technology was coupled with the ice cream brand's target shopper profile to generate a 64 percent lift in purchase intent.

These insights allow marketers to identify the most qualified consumers with precision, and add both context and relevance to their campaigns. The information that's gathered is anonymous, but the data helps brands build useful and appealing ads, and translate real-world shopping preferences into sales. Another benefit is being able to go beyond metrics like impressions and clicks. Marketers can actually see whether someone visited their business, using technologies like xAd's platform.

Consider the customer mindset around the holidays. Consumers are busier than ever, but they have gifts to buy - and they hope to find a good deal. Mobile devices have also changed consumers' expectations. Not only do they want the right information, but they expect it to be quick and convenient.

Marketers are doing their part to meet those expectations. Retailers can use location targeting to offer customized product information and incentives when shoppers need them most. The timing of this approach is just right: Additional research, from xAd's upcoming 2015 Mobile Path to Purchase report, shows that 85% of US consumers are satisfied with the retail information they receive on mobile, and one out of 3 intend to make a purchase decision within an hour of conducting research on a device. According to xAd's Global Location Snapshot, 32% of global marketers believe that their customer base is already "active and engaged with mobile advertising."

A year ago, mobile surpassed desktop to become the most-used digital platform. Mobile ad spending in the US is expected to exceed desktop spending for the first time before 2015 is through. Mobile media has established itself as an important channel for marketers, as well as a vital resource for consumers. Location targeting plays a major role in both of these trends. And it's helping marketers hit their mark.

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