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Here’s what’s wrong with Quantico and no, it’s not Priyanka Chopra.

Here’s what’s wrong with Quantico and no, it’s not
Priyanka Chopra.

Granted, this is going to be the hundredth article you’ll come across pointing out the weaknesses of the show, but before you decide to close the link accompanied by that feeling of déjà vu, hear us out.

This article is going to be a critique of the reasons behind Quantico being the easy target of mass disapproval; however what this article is not going to be is a display of demeaning the potential of Priyanka Chopra, who plays the lead.

Priyanka Chopra isn’t what’s wrong with Quantico. (Well, not entirely). Where the show falls flat is in its execution of its far-fetched ideas.
Agreed, Priyanka Chopra as Alex Parrish is not at her best- at times even reprising the role of a borderline annoying lead that you really cannot really root for. Her scenes with Ryan Booth (her romantic interest in the show) where she tries her best to be seductive yet playful is testimony to the fact. Her terrible hairstyle doesn’t help either.

But, in our haste to critically point how bad Priyanka Chopra is as Alex Parrish, we completely forget to address how bad Quantico is at being a FBI thriller/drama show.

The storyline is your typical run-of-the-mill noble FBI agent being framed as a terrorist and her trying to escape arrest while trying to find out who framed her. The characters are nothing remarkable either, barring a few (Chopra’s character being the biggest disappointment). Though the plot has been successful in beating around the bush till now, it has been unsuccessfully repeating same old sub-plots that really don’t need reminding at the same time (Case in point- Priyanka’s father situation).

And, add to that, the fact that every FBI training exercise in the show is so ridiculous that it continues making CID look better and better. (If that’s not a problem, what is?)

I’ve been unimpressed by Quantico since it’s trailer and yet I’ve faithfully consumed all of its offerings. Right from the first eight minutes of the first episode until the fourth (titled ‘Kill’), I’ve followed every episode with utmost glee. This is the only area where Quantico wins. Despite being a pretty average show, it is able to maintain a steady viewership solely because of those five minutes of absolutely gripping storyline out of the 40 minute runtime that has us hooked.

The problem is thus, Quantico is a show that has all the pieces of the puzzle, but has unfortunately not managed to solve the puzzle as of yet.

That is the tragedy. That is why Quantico is above average and not the show that we expected in our heads.

Image credit: Indiatimes


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