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Here's What You Missed At The Inaugural Ball

Vivian Giang   

Here's What You Missed At The Inaugural Ball


Vivian Giang / Business Insider

When I found out I would be attending my first Presidential Inauguration Ball the day before the event, I had high expectations.

Wearing my new evening gown and shoes, I was ready to mingle with other Washingtonians hoping for a glimpse of our President and First Lady.

When we arrived in the biting cold on Monday night at the Washington Convention Center, the long lines for blue, gold, green, red, orange and yellow tickets were wrapped around 8th and K streets.

After passing through security screening and checking our coats, we were escorted to more lines, and upon descending massive stairs which led down to the main chamber, my first thought was "This reminds me of a school dance."

There were many long gowns around — some extremely expensive and impressive-looking — but understated short dresses and ladies donning pant suits also made an appearance.

Alicia Keys

Diana Conner

On black-lined tables, bowls of pretzels and Cheez-Its were filled for the pleasure of approximately 30,000 ticket holders.

Remember during the high school dance when couples would line up to awkwardly take a photo in front of banners?

This also happened at the ball except people were waiting to snap photos in front of the Inaugural seal.

The only real differences between this massive ball and high school prom were the celebrities, alcohol, and, of course, the brief appearance by the President and First Lady.

To get drinks, attendees had to purchase drink tickets: $10 for a mixed drink, $9 for champagne, $3 for sodas, etc.

At approximately 8 p.m., Alicia Keys takes the stage belting out "Obama's On Fire," a remix to her hit single "Girl On Fire."

attached image

Vivian Giang / Business Insider

The chamber was decorated with banners from different regions in the country.

Opposite of the stage area, the press huddled together with bright cameras and we caught a glimpse of CNN's Erin Burnett.

Then, Mexican pop band Maná performed, followed by country singer Brad Paisley with his multiple sparkly guitars — one was glittery blue and the other, a bright rainbowed hued.

The band fun hit the stage with a few songs, but by the end of their performance, the audience was waiting impatiently for "We Are Young" — which basically every attendee sang along to.


Diana Conner

Shortly thereafter, the PA came on and everyone knew someone important was going to come on stage — there were rumors Jamie Foxx and Joe Biden were hanging around somewhere — but it was actually the President and the First Lady who danced their first dance to Jennifer Hudson singing Al Green's "Let's Stay Together."

The Obamas kissed and whispered to each other as they waltzed throughout the song.

They left the stage with wild cheers and applause from the crowd.

The rest of the night included amazing performances from Stevie Wonder, John Legend and Jamie Foxx singing what one attendee described as "an unbelievably good rendition of Ray Charles' 'I can't stop loving you,' " as Joe and Jill Biden danced.

Stevie Wonder

Diana Conner

The end of the night concluded my flashback prom experience as I have never seen more adults running around in evening wear sans their shoes.

And the cab line was even more ridiculous because no one was quite sure where it started or ended — just like every other line I was escorted to throughout the night.

But I must admit, I would go back to prom any night for a chance to see the prom king and queen — our President and First Lady.


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