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Here's what you get when you pay $100 to hack your body

Here's what you get when you pay $100 to hack your body
IndiaLatest2 min read

Implant GIF

YouTube/Vanilla Brief

Ben Slater, the director of the advertising agency Vanilla Brief, gets a NFC implant.

Implanting microchips into your body is a lot easier than you might think.

The biohacking retailer Dangerous Things sells kits that come with everything needed to implant a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag inside your hand. And it will only cost you about $100.

Implantable RFID tags can be used to communicate with other devices that use the same wireless technology. For example, a RFID chip could be used to replace your entry card for work or the gym. It can even be programmed to unlock your smartphone or a smartlock. Personal data can also be stored in these chips, like health records.

One of the most popular chips Dangerous Things sells is its xNT tag injection kit. A xNT tag is a type of RFID chip that is also enabled for near-field communication (NFC).

Here's a look at everything you will get in that kit.

RFID NFC  chip kit

Dangerous Things

Latex gloves and a poly-lined drape help ensure a sterile procedure. The applicator comes with the NFC chip inside it, so it's also sterile.


Dangerous Things

The NFC tag is about the size of a grain of rice and it is encased in biosafe glass.


Dangerous Things

The syringe comes in a sterile package with the NFC chip preloaded.

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