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Here's What The World's Leaders Were Doing Last Night While You Sat Around And Watched TV...

Jan 24, 2014, 16:52 IST

Henry Blodget / Business Insider

Last night, on American television, Jon Stewart shredded the goings-on at the World Economic Forum here in Davos as "an orgy of self-congratulatory excess."


That was a funny and fair characterization. But no one in Davos was watching. Because we were too busy getting smashed.

You see, nighttime in Davos is when the real fun begins.

First, there are the cocktail parties.

Then there are the dinner parties (with cocktails).


Then there are the after-dinner parties (with cocktails).

Then there are the after after-dinner parties (with cocktails).

Then there's the piano bar at the Hotel Europe (with cocktails) where, a couple of years ago, Mark Zuckerberg's sister Randi got up and started singing (watch video here).

The epicenter of all this partying is the Hotel Belvedere. The following pictures and story are actually from two year ago, but I went to a party at the Belvedere last night, and very little had changed.

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