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Here's What People Expect From Facebook's Huge Announcement

Jan 15, 2013, 02:54 IST

JD LasicaLate last week Facebook sent out a cryptic invitation for an event at its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters. The event is schedule for tomorrow, Jan. 15, at 10 am PT.


Facebook teased: "Come and see what we're building".

So, what do people think is coming?

TechCrunch columnist MG Siegler teased over the weekend that Facebook could finally be announcing a "Facebook phone."

This seems unlikely to us.


TechCrunch's John Constantine lists nine things he believes Facebook is working on, or should be:

  • Facebook Search — For Businesses, Posts, and People
  • An easier way to find things on Timeline
  • Friend Management (so users can hide people they don't care about)
  • Facebook for cars
  • Standalone feeds for different content types
  • A revamp of notes to take on Tumblr
  • A real video chat competitor to Google Hangouts
  • New advertising channels to show it's all grown up.
  • A Facebook Phone

All of the items in this list seems to be logical steps forward for the social network – except maybe Facebook for Cars.

TechCrunch's Alexia Tsotsis believes that Facebook Messenger for iPad could make a debut.

Tune in tomorrow, we'll have live coverage and analysis from ground.

Don't Miss: This Is The Future Of The Facebook 'News Feed' >


Watch the video below to see what we think about the possibility of a Facebook phone.

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