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Here's what it's like to eat at Warren Buffett's favorite steakhouse

May 1, 2015, 16:52 IST

Business Insider / Myles Udland

Every year, thousands of people descend on Omaha, Nebraska for the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.


And there a few spots that every shareholder of Warren Buffett's company has to hit. One of them is Gorat's, Buffett's favorite steakhouse located just a few miles outside of downtown Omaha.

Gorat's was founded in 1944 and eating a meal here has become something of a pilgrimage for Berkshire shareholders and Buffett enthusiasts.

Business Insider is at the 50th edition of the Berkshire annual meeting in Omaha this weekend, and shortly after rolling into town we popped into Gorat's to see what the deal is.

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