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Here's What It Looks Like When Two F-16s Land Perfectly In Sync [PHOTO]

Feb 24, 2014, 23:15 IST

US Air Force / www.flickr.com


This rare photo, published by the Air Force, shows two F-16s landing perfectly in sync on a single runway.

The two F-16s are part of the 35th Fighter Squadron currently based at the Kunsan Air Base in South Korea. As part of readiness training, the pilots faced different training scenarios imagining hostile attacks.

The F-16 Fighting Falcon is Lockheed Martin's premier aircraft. Currently 28 nations purchase the plane, with over 4,500 produced to date.

F-16s can break Mach 2, and are capable of sustaining speed at 1,500 miles per hour. They have a range of 1,740 nautical miles and can carry an extensive and varied payload.


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