Here's Video Of Joe Biden Asking Japanese Women If Their 'Husbands Like Them Working Full-Time'
AP During a tour of the Japanese Internet company DeNA on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden asked a group of women if their "husbands like [them] working full-time."
Biden made the comments as he sat with five young women at the DeNA cafeteria, according to a White House pool report. He took the trip to the company in an attempt to highlight "the need to integrate more women in the workforce," according to the pool report, which is a necessity because of Japan's aging population.
Biden was accompanied by U.S. Ambassador for Global Women's Issues Cathy Russell and new U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy. He also asked the five women if they were married - three said they were - and if they could work from home if needed.
His stop at the company in Shibuya, Japan, is part of a weeklong trip to Asia.
Here's the video of the awkward exchange, which was passed along by a tipster: