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Here's the moving letter JJ Abrams wrote to 'Star Trek"' star Anton Yelchin after his tragic death

Jun 20, 2016, 19:01 IST

Getty Images

27-year-old actor Anton Yelchin was tragically killed after a freak car accident late Saturday night.

Since then, fans, friends, and colleagues alike have been pouring out support for the talented young actor.

One such tribute came from none other than J.J. Abrams, who was partially responsible for "Lost" and "The Force Awakens." Yelchin starred as Chekov in "Star Trek" and "Stark Trek Into Darkness," both of which Abrams directed.

Abrams tweeted a short letter to Yelchin:


 Here's what the letter says:


You were brilliant. You were kind. You were funny as hell, and supremely talented. And you weren't here nearly long enough. Missing you...JJ

The letter, printed on Abrams' official stationary, was tweeted from the Bad Robot Twitter account, the account of Abrams' production company. Yelchin will also appear in "Star Trek Beyond," one of his final roles, which is due in theaters on July 22.


Others in Hollywood have spoken incredibly highly of Yelchin as well. Jeremy Saulnier, who recently directed Yelchin in the much praised "Green Room," lauded him as a great collaborator and friend, as well as someone who genuinely loved movies.

"Anton was a dream. He was kind and sharp and as sincere as anyone I've ever known. Our collaboration on 'Green Room' was our first and, until the devastating news of his passing, wouldn't have been our last," Saulnier wrote in Indiewire.

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