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Here's The Inside Of A Completely Gutted Samsung Galaxy S5

Apr 2, 2014, 01:48 IST

Steve Kovach/Business Insider

The latest version of Samsung's flagship device, the Galaxy S5, has a few key features that set it apart in the crowded smartphone market. The folks over at Chipworks decided to dive beneath the plastic back-cover to take a closer look at a few of those technologies, including the Galaxy's heart rate monitor and fingerprint scanner. They've given us permission to republish some of their up-close-and-personal photos here.


Here's the phone completely gutted:


A look under the cover:


And going even deeper:


The heart-rate monitor

The Galaxy is the first smartphone to introduce a dedicated heart rate monitor, also known as a Biosensor - Pulse/Oxy IC. The heart rate monitor is situated next to the flash on the back of the phone. It shines a red/infra-red light through your finger and measures your pulse as your heartbeats.



The fingerprint scanner

Chipworks took a closer look at the fingerprint scanner on the Galaxy S5, which is actually very different from the one on the iPhone 5S. There's a touch sensor incorporated into the home button, but it takes input from the main touch screen.


Here's a closer look at the phone's cameras, one of which has been dubbed a dedicated "selfie" camera:



For more photos and analysis, head over to Chipworks.

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