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Here's The Elon Musk Video Showing How You Can Design Rocket Parts By Making Hand Gestures

Sep 6, 2013, 03:25 IST



A couple of weeks ago, Elon Musk (who is the chief at both Tesla and the private rocket company SpaceX) said he was going to post a video showing how you could develop rockets just by waving his hands in the air. Well, the video is here.

Signe Brewster at GigaOm has a concise explanation of how it works:

SpaceX paired a Leap Motion gesture reader with its Siemens NX computer aided design software and added 3D glasses, allowing a designer to shape the part with their hands in a 3D environment. They can't build a design from scratch, but they can take actions like modifying the shape of an object. Musk demonstrated in the video it is also a useful way to examine a design in three dimensions.

There's more on the process posted at the Leap Motion blog.


Here's the video.

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