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Here's Proof That People Still Care About Their Small Town Stores

Mar 15, 2013, 02:51 IST

Once Upon A ToyA campaign has raised more than $50,000 for a small-town toy store that has gone out of business.


More than 4,000 people have joined a Facebook group to save Once Upon A Toy in Edwardsville, Illinois.

The toy business closed March 9 after it was unable to repay its loans, according to the campaign page on Crowdtilt, a crowd-sourcing site. Once Upon A Toy has been around for 25 years.

"In addition to being a hot spot for birthday and holiday gifts, Once Upon A Toy is also known for their unique items, their keen eye for the next hot toy, and their very helpful and friendly staff," Emily Terry-Gates, the local woman who started the campaign several days ago, wrote on the page.

Many other local businesses vowed to donate between 10 and 35 percent of their sales today to saving Once Upon A Toy.


"The support of this community has been explosive and I’m greatly moved that my colleagues at other Edwardsville retail stores are supporting my family and my business,” Shawnta’ Ray, owner of Once Upon a Toy, said in a release.

If the campaign doesn't reach $75,000 by tomorrow, the banks will liquidate Once Upon A Toy's assets and the contributions will be returned.

“I have great memories of shopping at Once Upon A Toy when I was young; I want the same memories for my three children," Terry-Gates wrote.

Here's the campaign page on Crowdtilt.

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