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Here's our first good look at Jared Leto as the new Joker in 'Suicide Squad'

Jul 14, 2015, 02:08 IST

After a leak, Warner Bros. has officially released the "Suicide Squad" footage that debuted at Comic-Con Friday morning.


The end of the over three-minute trailer gives our best look at the new iteration of the Joker, who will be played by Jared Leto.

He'll be the first actor to play the role since Heath Ledger in 2008's "The Dark Knight."

As we've seen from a few image teases, Leto's Joker doesn't look like any version of the character we've seen before.

Take a look:


Here he is when his intro is first teased.

More to come ...

NOW WATCH: Here's the new 'Batman v Superman' trailer that just got a standing ovation at Comic-Con

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