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Here's how important non-profit organizations are for each state's job market

Mar 9, 2016, 00:50 IST

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released the results of a study combining employment data from state and federal unemployment insurance programs with IRS tax filings to better understand employment in the world of non-profit organizations.


Non-profit employment varies widely from state to state, with the Northeast and Midwest having a much higher proportion of private sector workers employed by non-profits than the West and South.

In their report, the Bureau noted that most non-profit workers were in health, social services, and education. One of the factors leading to higher non-profit employment in the Northeast was the historical development of non-profit private colleges and universities in that region, while public universities predominate further west and south.

Here's the percentage of employment in each state attributable to non-profit organizations:

Business Insider/Andy Kiersz, data from Bureau of Labor Statistics
Business Insider/Andy Kiersz, data from Bureau of Labor Statistics


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