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Here's How Fox News Covered Today's Awesome Jobs Report

Colin Campbell   

Here's How Fox News Covered Today's Awesome Jobs Report
Politics1 min read

fox news unemployment

Media Matters

While Thursday's jobs report demolished expectations and sent the country's unemployment rate plummeting to 6.1%, the Fox News Channel noted the "real" unemployment rate was twice that number.

Citing the figure the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls "U-6," defined as the "total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers," the conservative-leaning news channel emphasized the higher number.

"Brand new monthly jobs numbers to tell you about," a show anchor said Thursday morning, according to video provided by the left-leaning group Media Matters. "The unemployment rate [is] falling 0.2% to 6.1%. But with many out of the labor market, we need to point out the real unemployment rate stands at 12.1%."

The segment quickly pivoted to discuss Wednesday's Quinnipiac poll showing a plurality of American voters rank President Barack Obama the worst modern-day president.

For what it's worth, some economists have criticized the notion that the "U-6" number represents the "real" unemployment figure.

View the segment below.

(h/t Jon Favreau)


