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Here's how big connected cars will be in regions around the world

Apr 3, 2015, 23:30 IST

BI Intelligence


2015 will undoubtedly be the year of the connected car. In their recent annual report, BMW Group CEO Norbert Reithofer said connecting the car to the internet will change the auto industry more than the shift to electric and hybrid cars.

To stay competitive in the automotive market, car makers throughout the world have quickly begun to equip their car lineups with internet connection features. Some automakers have even gone as far as building car "app stores."

In new research from BI Intelligence, we have expanded upon our previous connected car forecasts and created a regional analysis of how connected car shipments will trend in Asia, North America, Western Europe, South America, and Eastern Europe, and included forecasts for the top countries for connected car shipments in each of these regions.

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Here are some of the findings from the report:

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