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Here's CBS' Full Apology For Its Bungled Benghazi Bombshell

Brett LoGiurato   

Here's CBS' Full Apology For Its Bungled Benghazi Bombshell

Lara Logan Benghazi correction


CBS correspondent Lara Logan issued a correction and apology on-air Sunday night for a recent bungled "60 Minutes" bombshell report on the 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi.

Logan and the network had admitted on Friday that they had been misled by Dylan Davies, a security contractor whose account of events the night of the attack have now been discredited.

Logan's on-air "60 Minutes" correction didn't add any insight to why the network had trusted Davies' account. It lasted only 90 seconds, and it came at the end of the show's broadcast.

The full correction from Logan:

We end our broadcast tonight with a correction on a story we reported October 27 about the attack on the American special mission compound in Benghazi, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed. In the story, a security officer working for the State Department, Dylan Davies, told us he went to the compound during the attack and detailed his role that night.

After our report aired, questions arose about whether his account was true, when an incident report surfaced. It told a different story about what he did the night of the attack. Davies denied having anything to do with that incident report and insisted the story he told us was not only accurate - it was the same story told the FBI when they interviewed him.

On Thursday night, when we discovered the account he gave the FBI was different than what he told us, we realized we had been misled, and it was a mistake to include him in our report. For that, we are very sorry. The most important thing to every person at "60 Minutes" is the truth. And the truth is, we made a mistake.

The Washington Post previously reported that Davies had submitted an incident report to his employer in which he said he was not near the compound during the attack, an account that differed from the one he gave to CBS. He later told The Daily Beast that he had been "smeared," and that he didn't write the incident report.

CBS released a statement pre-emptively Thursday night to counter a story in The New York Times that said Davies, a security officer hired to protect the mission, told the FBI that he did not go to the compound the night of the attack. Logan said Friday morning that the network was unaware of his statements to the FBI.

Davies' statements to the FBI are consistent with what he told Blue Mountain, the Britain-based contractor hired by the State Department to secure the perimeter at the compound, and inconsistent with what he told CBS.

Here's video of the correction:


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