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Here's Another Sign That Investors Are Totally Unconcerned About Defense Budget Cuts

Walter Hickey   

Here's Another Sign That Investors Are Totally Unconcerned About Defense Budget Cuts

Defense stocks have actually outperformed the S&P 500 since the start of the year, a sign that investors are relatively unconcerned about the effects of the sequester budget cuts on the military-industrial complex.

Compiled by Sober Look, the chart below looks at the year-to-date performance of the S&P 500 (red) against the iShares defense industry ETF (ITA, blue), which is a composite index of defense stocks.

See a difference?

Neither does Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution, and the general idea is that investors by and large haven't priced in risk as a result of the implementation of sequestration into the price of defense stocks.

While ITA underperformed the S&P earlier this year — during the uncertainty period — for whatever reason, they are now outpacing the S&P.

This likely means one of two things:

  • Investors in defense stocks don't think sequestration will seriously damage the defense industry;
  • Or, investors expect that sequestration will be replaced or rolled back at some point in the foreseeable future.

It's also conceivable that it is a little of both.

That reaction is a far cry from the doomsday rhetoric that the White House and the Pentagon have been spouting for the past few weeks, as they warn that the sequester could have long-term consequences on American military readiness.

Read the original post on Sober Look.


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