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Here's A Satellite Photo Of Debris That Could Be From The Missing Plane

Here's A Satellite Photo Of Debris That Could Be From The Missing Plane

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says satellite photos taken over the Indian Ocean may show parts of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. The plane has been mission for 12 days and it had 239 people on board. There are numerous theories about what happened to it.

The satellite photos show two objects located about 1,400 miles off the coast of Perth, Australia. The larger object appears to be 75 feet across.

"New and credible information has come to light in relation to the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean," Abbott told parliament. "The task of locating these objects will be extremely difficult and it may turn out they are not related to the search for MH370.

Here are the two mysterious objects:

plane objects mylasia flight

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

And here's a close up of the larger object (click to enlarge):

malaysia flight

Australian Maritime Safety Authority


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