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Here Is Scott Brown Momentarily Forgetting What State He's In

Brett LoGiurato   

Here Is Scott Brown Momentarily Forgetting What State He's In

Scott Brown


It's not exactly a secret that former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is flirting with the possibility of a Senate run in another New England state - New Hampshire.

On Thursday night, he spoke to reporters outside an event in Londonderry, N.H. When he was asked about the possibility of challenging New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) in the 2014 election and the timetable for his decision, he conflated the two states.

"What I've heard from the Republicans up here is they're thankful that I've been around for a year, helping them raise money, helping them raise awareness as to the issues that are affecting not only people here in Massachuset- uh, in New Hampshire, but also in Massachusetts, obviously, in Maine," Brown said.

"I've been to Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut. I've been all over the New England area, certainly, talking and helping people raise money."

The liberal opposition-slinging group American Bridge spotted the comments and blasted out video of Brown's gaffe late Thursday night.

After losing his re-election battle to Sen. Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts last year and declining a run for governor, Brown has been exploring the possibility of a Senate run in New Hampshire for the past few months.

He recently sold his Massachusetts home and eliminated the "MA" from the end of his Twitter handle, which is now just @SenScottBrown. He also has been more of a presence at state events and has given money to the state Republican Party.

Here's video:


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