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Here Comes Obama's Comments On The Crisis In Ukraine ...

Mar 1, 2014, 03:30 IST


President Obama will soon speak about events happening in Ukraine and we'll be following along with his speech.


In recent days, unidentified armed men have seized key areas in Ukraine's Crimea, leading the country to accuse Russia of an "armed invasion."

Obama's speech from the White House comes after ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych spoke to the press earlier today from the southern Russian port city of Rostov-on-Don, where he called for a reorganization of the government, new presidential elections, and a new constitution.

As BI's Michael Kelley reported, he highlighted the truce signed on February 19, which would have kept him in power and was subsequently rejected by protesters. After a day of bloodshed, Yanukovych fled and parliament stripped him of his position.

A new government was approved yesterday, but neither Yanukovych nor Russia recognize it.


"I believe that the Ukrainian parliament is not legitimate," he said.

This post will be updated as we await Obama's comments.

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