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Here comes Jeff Gundlach's next big presentation ...

Jun 10, 2015, 01:24 IST

DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach is set to host his latest webcast giving an overview of his Total Return bond fund and the markets at 4:15 p.m. ET.


Gundlach, often referred to as the "Bond King," holds these webcasts 4 times per year.

And while this webcast is ostensibly about giving an update on his firm's largest bond fund, Gundlach typically uses these as an opportunity to give a broad overview of the markets and the economy.

Last time we heard from Gundlach, he gave a presentation in front investors at the New York Yacht Club titled "Summer Insects," a reference to a Chuang Zhu's quote: "You cannot discuss ice with a summer insect."

This post will be updated throughout the presentation.


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