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Mar 26, 2014, 17:38 IST

REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

Heads up! We are minutes away from the release of monthly U.S. durable goods orders data, due out at 8:30 AM ET.


Economists predict total orders advanced 0.8% in February after declining 1% in January. Orders of durable goods excluding transportation items are expected to have risen 0.1% after jumping 1.1% in January.

Orders of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft (a.k.a. "core capex") are expected to have risen 0.5% after advancing 1.5% in January, while shipments of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft are expected to have rebounded 0.8% after sliding 1% in January.

We will have the full release LIVE at 8:30 AM ET. Click here to refresh for the latest updates »

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