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Here Are The First Three Commercials For The Samsung Galaxy S 4

Apr 10, 2013, 21:13 IST

Here are the first international ads for Samsung's upcoming flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S 4.


The ads show off a few of the phone's unique features like its built-in translator and multimedia sharing options.

Some of these are in Spanish, but they do give you an idea where Samsung is going with its marketing for the Galaxy S 4.

AT&T will beging accepting pre-orders for the Galaxy S 4 on April 16 starting at $199.99. We're still waiting for finalized pricing and release dates from the other carriers.

Click here to see hands-on photos of the Galaxy S 4 >


Take a look:

And here's one more clip that that Android Central added to its YouTube page. It's not really a commercial, but it does have some pretty shots of the hardware:


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