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Here Are The First Photos From 'The Walking Dead' Super Bowl Ad

Laura Stampler   

Here Are The First Photos From 'The Walking Dead' Super Bowl Ad
Advertising1 min read

the walking dead walkers


A shot from the series - see pics from the ad below.

Update: Time Warner Cable reached out to Business Insider to let us know that the zombie-filled ad is for the cable provider and not AMC or "The Walking Dead." The spot is part of TWC's "Enjoy Better" campaign. We'll provide more information as soon as it's available.

Read about it here>


AMC zombie sensation "The Walking Dead" is making its first-ever Super Bowl ad.

With 10.5 million viewers tuning in for its 2012 mid-season finale — very healthy numbers for a cable series — the Super Bowl spot will reach 10 times more people. 111 million sets of eyeballs tune into the Super Bowl Bowl and pay extra attention to its commercial breaks.

Perhaps this is why the indie hit shelled out a record $4 million plus for a 30-second time slot. "These numbers are the highest ever paid for Super Bowl spots," CBS Corp. CEO Leslie Moonves said.

While we don't know much about the ad, actor Norman Reedus has been tweeting out costumes and scenes from the set while the cast has been shooting today — complete with dead zombies with arrows coming out of their heads.

The Super Bowl is a family friendly game and ads can get axed for being too sexual or violent, so it will be interesting to see how "The Walking Dead" toes the line.

Here's a gruesome snapshot from the Super Bowl shoot in LA:

And even more zombies:

Reedus takes a shot with his Daryl outfit in the dressing room:


