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Here are the first 2 minutes of 'The Walking Dead' Season 5 mid-season premiere

Feb 3, 2015, 22:28 IST

Frank Ockenfels 3/AMC It's a rough road ahead for Rick Grimes and his group.

"The Walking Dead" returns to TV Sunday.

If you can't wait until then for the season 5 mid-season premiere, AMC has released the first two minutes from the next episode, and they're pretty somber. 

If you're not caught up, you probably won't want to watch.

Warning: Some mini spoilers ahead. 

When we last left off, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his comrades were reunited. In the process, one of the show's main characters was unexpectedly killed off.


Season 5 episode 9 opens as the group copes with their loss and looks onward to finding a new place to call home for their growing numbers.

"The Walking Dead" mid-season premiere airs at 9 p.m. on AMC.

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