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Here Are The Best Android Apps Of The Year, According To Google

Dec 1, 2014, 19:33 IST

GoogleHave an Android phone? Google thinks you need these apps

If you're feeling bored with your current apps or recently got a new Android phone, you're in luck: Google just released its annual round-up of the best Android apps out there this year.


Some of the apps on the list are no surprise - like Pandora, Shazam, Uber, and Hulu - but there are plenty of others we'd never heard of, like MAPS.ME for offline mapping, Minube for vacations and traveling, and Craftsy for craft classes.

Whether you're interested in social media, news, kid stuff, photography, financial planning, or travel, you'll discover something worthwhile on this 74-app list.

Find the full list, with download links, here.

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