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Here are the 81 people and organizations that the House Judiciary Committee asked for documents as part of its investigation into Trump

Bob Bryan,Nicole Einbinder,Nicole Einbinder   

Here are the 81 people and organizations that the House Judiciary Committee asked for documents as part of its investigation into Trump

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Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

The House Judiciary Committee sent letters to 81 individuals and organizations on Monday as it launches its investigation into President Donald Trump.

  • The House Judiciary Committee has begun an investigation into President Donald Trump, his associates, and entities connected to them.
  • The committee's chairman, Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, has sent letters to 81 people, organizations, and companies requesting documents connected to the investigation.
  • The committee would be the entity ultimately responsible for impeachment proceedings against the president.

The House Judiciary Committee launched a sweeping investigation this week into President Donald Trump's inner circle, businesses, and political dealings, sending document requests to 81 people and entities linked to the president.

The committee, led by Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, will focus on three primary issues: if Trump obstructed justice by interfering in criminal investigations; public corruption including potential violations like violating campaign and financial reporting laws; and abuses of power ranging from attacks on the press to misusing presidential authority and pardoning power.

The document probe comes after Michael Cohen, Trump's former longtime lawyer, implicated the president and his associates in a dramatic hearing last week before the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Many of the names he dropped, including Trump Organization Executive Vice President Donald Trump Jr., Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg, and Trump executive assistant Rhona Graff, were included on Monday's list.

Read more: In an 'investigative blitz,' the House Judiciary Committee requested documents from 81 people and entities tied to Trump»

Others on the list indicate the breadth of the committee's investigation, from people and agencies associated with the Trump campaign, the Trump foundation, the White House, the Justice Department, Trump's inaugural committee, the Trump organization, and dozens of the president's closest aides and campaign officials. Several people on the list also have ties to the ongoing Russia investigation.

The committee would be the entity responsible for beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump.

"Impeachment is a long way down the road," Nadler told ABC news on Sunday. "But we're going to initiate proper investigations."

The White House blasted the investigations in a statement on Monday, calling the probe "disgraceful and abusive."

"The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said. "The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President."

Similarly, Trump weighed in on the requests via Twitter.

"The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done," Trump said. "A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done!"

Here is a look at the 81 people, organizations, and companies connected to the investigation:

  1. Alan Garten, chief legal officer of the Trump Organization
  2. Alexander Nix, former CEO of Cambridge Analytica
  3. Allen Weisselberg, CFO of the Trump Organization
  4. American Media Inc., media company that publishes the National Enquirer
  5. Anatoli Samochornov, a translator who reportedly attended the 2016 Trump Tower meeting
  6. Andrew Intrater, head of investment firm Columbus Nova, cousin of Viktor Vekselberg, and donor to the Trump Inaugural committee
  7. Annie Donaldson, former White House deputy counsel
  8. Brad Parscale, digital media director of Trump's 2016 campaign and campaign manager of 2020 Trump campaign
  9. Brittany Kaiser, former business development director at Cambridge Analytica
  10. Cambridge Analytica, a political data firm hired by the Trump campaign
  11. Carter Page, former Trump campaign adviser
  12. Columbus Nova, US-based investment firm run by Andrew Intrater, paid Michael Cohen in consulting fees following the 2016 election
  13. Concord Management and Consulting, a Russian consulting firm, indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for allegedly conspiring to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election
  14. Corey Lewandowski, former Trump campaign manager
  15. David Pecker, chairman and CEO of American Media Inc.
  16. Department of Justice
  17. Don McGahn, former White House counsel
  18. Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, a trust created to hold Trump's assets during his presidency
  19. Donald Trump Jr., the president's son
  20. Dylan Howard, chief content officer at American Media Inc.
  21. Eric Trump, the president's son
  22. Erik Prince, security consultant and founder of Blackwater
  23. Federal Bureau of Investigation
  24. Felix Sater, Russian-born businessman who worked as a middleman between the Trump Organization and Russian interests
  25. Flynn Intel Group, a lobbying group created by Michael Flynn, Trump's former National Security adviser
  26. General Services Administration
  27. George Nader, political adviser to the United Arab Emirates with ties to several Trump associates
  28. George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign aide who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
  29. Hope Hicks, former White House communications director, Trump campaign press secretary, and Trump Organization employee
  30. Irakly Kaveladze, a businessman who attended the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.
  31. Jared Kushner, a real estate developer and the president's son-in-law
  32. Jason Maloni, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's spokesman
  33. Jay Sekulow, a personal lawyer for Trump
  34. Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General in the Trump administration
  35. Jerome Corsi, far-right political commentator and associate of Roger Stone
  36. John Szobocsan, a business associate of late GOP activist Peter W. Smith. Smith independently tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from hackers.
  37. Julian Assange, publisher of Wikileaks
  38. Julian David Wheatland, director of Cambridge Analytica's parent company, SCL Group
  39. Keith Davidson, former attorney for Stormy Daniels
  40. KT McFarland, former deputy national security adviser under Michael Flynn
  41. Mark Corallo, former spokesman for Trump's private legal team who allegedly quit over concerns the president obstructed justice
  42. Matt Tait, a cybersecurity researcher recruited to vet hacked Hillary Clinton emails
  43. Matthew Calamari, executive vice president and chief operating officer at the Trump Organization. Trump originally hired Calamari as his bodyguard after seeing him at a US Open tennis tournament in 1981.
  44. Michael Caputo, former Trump campaign aide
  45. Michael Cohen, former personal attorney and fixer for Trump
  46. Michael Flynn, Trump's former National Security adviser
  47. Michael Flynn Jr., son of Trump's former National Security adviser Michael Flynn and his father's chief of staff at the Flynn Intel Group
  48. Paul Erickson, Republican operative who dated alleged Russian spy Maria Butina
  49. Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman who was convicted of various charges including tax and bank fraud
  50. Peter Smith estate, late GOP activist who independently tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from hackers during the 2016 campaign
  51. Randy Credico, left wing radio host and associate of Roger Stone who Stone claimed was his channel to WikiLeaks
  52. Reince Priebus, former White House chief of staff
  53. Rhona Graff, Trump's longtime assistant at the Trump Organization
  54. Rinat Akhmetshin, Russian-American lobbyist and former Soviet military intelligence officer who was present at the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016
  55. Rob Goldstone, music publicist who helped arrange the Trump Tower meeting
  56. Roger Stone, GOP political strategist and one of Trump's most loyal true believers. Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted Stone with one count of obstruction, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering
  57. Ronald Lieberman, executive vice president for management and development at the Trump Organization
  58. Sam Nunberg, former Trump campaign adviser
  59. SCL Group Limited, parent company of Cambridge Analytica
  60. Sean Spicer, former White House press secretary
  61. Sheri Dillon, Trump's personal attorney who House Democrats have alleged provided false information about Trump's involvement in hush payments to Michael Cohen during the 2016 campaign
  62. Stefan Passantino, former White House counsel who now advises the Trump Organization on how to deal with House investigations
  63. Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist and executive chairman of Breitbart News
  64. Ted Malloch, an American academic with ties to Republican strategist Roger Stone and Brexit leader Nigel Farage
  65. The White House
  66. Trump Campaign
  67. Trump Foundation, private charitable organization dissolved amid a lawsuit from the New York Attorney General concerning its finances
  68. Trump Organization, a portfolio of business entities including real estate, hotels, golf courses, and investments in clothing and other products
  69. Trump Transition, the 2016-2017 presidential transition team
  70. Viktor Vekselberg, Russian oligarch with ties to the Kremlin who met with Michael Cohen
  71. Wikileaks, a whistleblowing group founded by Julian Assange that leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee and from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta
  72. 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, Trump's inaugural committee that has come under scrutiny for alleged improper spending of some of its record $107 million in donations
  73. Christopher Bancroft Burnham, former Deutsche Bank executive who served on Trump's State Department transition team
  74. Frontier Services Group, a security training company co-founded by Erik Prince
  75. J.D. Gordon, Trump campaign aide who interacted with alleged Russian spy Maria Butina
  76. Kushner Companies, Jared Kushner's firm
  77. National Rifle Association, gun-rights lobbying group that spent millions to help elect Trump
  78. Rick Gates, former deputy to Paul Manafort who is now a cooperating witness in the special counsel investigation
  79. Tom Barrack, chairman of Trump's inaugural committee
  80. Tom Bossert, former Trump administration homeland security adviser
  81. Tony Fabrizio, Republican pollster and Trump campaign adviser


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