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Here Are Some Highlights From Lindsay Lohan's New 67-Page Complaint Against 'Grand Theft Auto'

Oct 10, 2014, 15:56 IST

Lindsay Lohan has bulked up her lawsuit against Take-Two Interactive for allegedly using her likeness in video game "Grand Theft Auto V" with a new 67-page complaint, which was posted by The Hollywood Reporter.


Take-Two has said the lawsuit is meritless and demanded sanctions in response to what it calls a publicity stunt.

In addition to proving that character Lacey Jones was based on her, the 28-year-old celebrity will have to show that any alleged use of her image did not represent a transformative artistic use, which would be protected under the First Amendment, and that subsequent modifications to said image would allow the lawsuit to get around a statute-of-limitations defense.

Is there any validity to her case? Judge for yourself based on some highlights we've pulled from the lawsuit:


Read the full lawsuit and more at THR »

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