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Here Are 10 New Original Shows Amazon Will Try To Crush Netflix With

Feb 6, 2014, 20:35 IST

Amazon Studios, the division responsible for creating original shows for Amazon Instant Video, released 10 new pilots to compete today. Viewers can stream the first episode of each series for free. People can vote on which show should become a series and Amazon will stream a full season of it later this year.


Last year, Amazon tested this crowdsourcing strategy with a slew of original comedies. "Alpha House" and "Betas" were the two shows that made it through the first round, but Amazon trying something different this year.

Five kids shows and five dramas are posted for 2014. There are also two hour-long dramas including "Bosch," which is based on the best-selling series of novels from Michael Connely, and "The After," which is a mysterious apocalypse drama from the creator of "The X-Files."

You can watch all of the first pilots here. Watch the sizzle reel Amazon Studios posted below.


Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.
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