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Here Are 10 Apple Patents We Want To See Become A Reality

Dave Smith   

Here Are 10 Apple Patents We Want To See Become A Reality
Tech1 min read

haptics patent


"We are going to patent it all," Apple co-founder Steve Jobs reportedly told his team in 2006, according to Fred Vogelstein's book "Dogfight."

Since then, Apple's policy on intellectual property has been exactly that: Patent everything, even if it doesn't make it to a final product.

Apple is constantly filing patents - and defending them, too - but since many of Apple's patented ideas don't see the light of day, we thought it'd be fun to take a look at some of the company's unique innovations - particularly the ones we'd like to see in a future product or two.

Big shout-out to PatentlyApple and the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office for letting us use the patent images in this story.


