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Help! We Need More Office Space!

Help! We Need More Office Space!

business insider, bi office profile, bi, may 2012, dng

Daniel Goodman / Business Insider

FROM LEFT: Vivian Giang, Michael Kelley, Dina Spector, Will Wei, Samantha Cortez, and Ashley Lutz.

When Business Insider began searching for a new World Headquarters in New York's Flatiron district a few years ago, I was worried that this was the beginning of the end for the company.

After all, the "New Global Headquarters" curse is notorious in the tech industry: When your favorite hyper-growth company announces that it's developing a massive new corporate campus (e.g., Apple), it's often time to run for the hills.

Also, I was scarred by the memory of several high-profile companies in the dotcom era that were ultimately bankrupted by their aggressive real-estate bets. Inktomi, The Industry Standard, and others were dragged down in part by massive long-term leases that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to get out of.

So, at Business Insider, we went the conservative route, getting a relatively short sub-lease on a great space on 20th Street.

Even this seemed like a big bet: When we moved in, there was oceans of space--so much that it was hard to imagine that we would ever fill it up, let alone need more of it.

And yet, a couple of years later, thanks to the dedication of our readers, clients, and team, we're bursting at the seams.

Happily, this is what is known as "a high-quality problem," and we have a couple of options we're looking at. One of them is adding a small, temporary expansion office.

And that's where we could really use your help.

If you know of a company that has, say, 8,000 square feet of space that they would like to sub-lease to us for a year, we'd be grateful for the referral.

Ideally, this space would be in the Flatiron District, but we're not picky.

Thanks in advance for the help!

NOTE TO COMMERCIAL REAL-ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: We're already working with a firm, so there's no need to reach out to us unless you know of something specific. If you do, please drop an email to our president, Julie Hansen ( Thank you.


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