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HEDGE FUND: Hiring This Pro Surfer To Represent Us Will Be The 'Trojan Horse Of Our Investment Strategy'

Julia La Roche   

HEDGE FUND: Hiring This Pro Surfer To Represent Us Will Be The 'Trojan Horse Of Our Investment Strategy'
Finance2 min read

Joe Curren

Getty Images Sport

Joe Curren

California-based hedge fund Topturn Capital sent out a press release today saying that they've teamed up with pro surfer Joe Curren for marketing purposes.

What's more is the fund's co-founder referred to Curren as "The Trojan Horse" of their investment strategy.

The JOBS Act changed the rules allowing hedge funds to market themselves.

Here's the full release (emphasis ours):

Hedge Fund Manager: Topturn Capital Aligns with Professional Surfer

November 1st, 2013; MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA - Topturn Capital, a boutique investment management firm, aligns with professional surfer Joe Curren in a bold maneuver to take advantage of the SEC's ratification of the JOBS Act and set new precedency in marketing.

"The SECs recent ratification of the Jobs Act has dramatically changed everything," notes Dan Darchuck, Top Turn Capital's Co-Founder and Managing Director. "When our industry leverages the ability to outwardly market alternative investments, things are going to get very competitive very quickly. We just happen to be leading the industry."

In the surfing lexicon, a 'top turn' refers to a surfer's ability to reposition himself back into the momentum of moving water. Topturn Capital's approach to asset management parallels this analogy. With the recent JOBS Act ruling, Topturn was presented with a very unique opportunity to position their company and investment strategy.

"We feel that how we represent our company will change the industry norm," says Greg Stewart, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Top Turn Capital. "People look at numbers all day everyday. We just brought in The Trojan Horse for our investment strategy by introducing a surfer into the equation."


Dan Darchuck and Greg Stewart have more than 50 years of combined experience in asset management and have gained recognition for their OMNI-STRAT Fund - an systematic approach to alternative investing utilizing a combination of three distinct strategies which tend to have a low, long-term correlation to stocks. By employing leading economic research and portfolio management technology to develop innovative strategies for managing risk and multiplying return, Top Turn Capital has a proven track record of more than three years and currently manages more than $100 million AUM.


