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Have social networks replaced search engines? Find out at IGNITION

Mar 25, 2015, 20:03 IST


Everyone seems to be on social media these days, whether they're tweeting about "Scandal" or sharing their strategy deck on LinkedIn.

Publishers are discovering that all this sharing has incredible value for them. Reports such as BuzzFeed Insights have shown that social has now beats out search in referral traffic to publishers' content.

While some publishers fear giving social networks too much power, BI Intelligence analysts Marcelo Ballve and Mark Hoelzel aren't worried. "Social networks aren't really too different from previous incarnations of the distribution bogeyman," they claim. "There's no reason to fear a future in which direct-to-social publishing has an important place."

These developments will have a drastic effect on how top companies position themselves in the market. Learn more as we explore this trend at Business Insider's flagship conference in December, IGNITION: Future of Digital.


Topics will include:

  • The People's Choice: Social Eclipses Search
  • Marketing's War For Data
  • Disrupting Television
  • Virtual Reality Gets Real
  • Connected Cars & Homes (& You)
  • Video's Content Explosion
  • Mobile Uber Alles
  • The Battle for Ad Viewability

The agenda includes high-level interviews and discussions as well as breaks to network and caffeinate, extended lunches and breakfasts, sponsored workshops, and of course cocktail receptions.

Extra-early-bird tickets are available here and will save you $1,500. See you in December!

Keep up to date by following @BI_Events on Twitter and joining the IGNITION group on LinkedIn.


Check out IGNITION 2014 highlights here.

If you're interested in joining the IGNITION community by supporting the event as a sponsor, contact events@businessinsider.com. For programming suggestions, please submit here.

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