This post is sponsored by IBM.
Look around the ranks of the tech industry and you'll see a lot of smart, creative, ambitious people. Another thing you may notice: Most of them are men.
It's not a secret that women tend to be underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math. To address that, IBM has started a big initiative calling attention to the important role women have played in the company's history. Their goal is to get more women involved in those fields - and keep them there.
They're starting early with their Technologista Series, where young girls interested in math and science interview female IBM executives about their careers and backgrounds. The results are inspiring (not to mention adorable). Watch the video below to see Joanne Martin, VIP of IT Risk at IBM, tell fourth grader Sydney that being told "girls weren't supposed to like math" made her want to go into technology, to prove everyone wrong.
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